Movement Fantasque!
Tai Chi & Qi Gong
for Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation
By opening the spinal gates, you can increase your overall energy and immune system. This course will empower you to strengthen your central nervous system and respiratory system, giving you the strength to fight COVID-19.
Day: Sunday
Course Format: In Person
Location: University of East-West Medicine -
595 Lawrence Expressway, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Duration: 5 weeks
Date(s): January - February (Dates TBD)
Time: TBD (1 hour)
Refund Policy: There are no refunds
Tuition: $149
Language: English and Mandarin
Instructor(s): Dr.Ying Qu Wang, Western MD, DAOM
(Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine , LAC,
Founder and Professor of University of East-West Medicine
Class Size Limit: 40 participants
Class Recording Available: No
No medical background is required; however, this course is based on developing an understanding of the spine and includes homework focused on physical Qi Gong practice.
Top Benefits of Medical Qi Gong Practice
Stronger Immune System
More Energy
Healthy Organs and Circulation
Reduce Pain, especially Back Pain
Better Sleep
Reduce & Manage Stress
This course covers the following:
1. Preparing the Mind for Success – How your vision and imagination play a key role. Connecting to the Universe.
2. A brief overview of the human spine and three gates
3. Traditional Chinese Medicine view of the spine and how the three gates affect the strength of your health
4. Qi Gong Practice -- Opening the Gates – Live Participation
Section 1: Standing Meditation
Section 2: Opening the lower, middle and upper gates of the spine
Section 3: Opening the 3 spinal gates Opening the side gates
Section 4: Dragon Flying - Opening the 3 directional gates
For information about this class, please send email to: